Faculty Lab Policies
- Before formally assigning an audio program (other than a textbook audio lesson), CD, videocassette, DVD, etc. from the Language Lab’s collection, check its availability at least one week in advance.
- The Language Lab staff will then put the desired material on reserve for the duration of the assignment.
- Please inform the Language Lab Director (617-552-8473 or langlab@dandick.net) of the special assignment before announcing it to students.
- [Note: Copyright restrictions do not permit the Language Lab staff to copy and retain as part of the lab’s permanent collection faculty-owned material (i.e. audiocassettes, CDs, record albums, computer software, videocassettes, DVDs, print material)].
Instructor-monitored classes in the lab are possible.
Use of the Computer Workstations
The Lab’s computer area (23 Macs, 6 PCs) may be reserved for class sessions (e.g. DiLL-facilitated recording/conversation lessons, Virtual Dual Immersion language/cultural partnership exchanges, other computer-assisted activities), per advance arrangement with the Language Lab Director.
Use of the Console and Audio Stations
At the Tandberg Prisma installation (teacher console plus 14 interfaced student positions), the instructor may conduct oral exams, monitor and converse with students, activate random pairing or group conferencing among students, simultaneously distribute to student groups 3 different audio sources: 1 in audiocassette format, 1 in CD audio, & the audio track of VHS video projected from a monitor at the front of the lab.
Before instructing students to meet in the lab as a class, please notify the Language Lab Director at least 3 days in advance of the desired session, so that the needed materials and space may be made ready.
[Note: Language Lab Assistants are not permitted to make reservations of lab space.]
Instructors may use the Lab’s audio-visual materials in the classroom:
- Audiocassettes/CDs
- Books
- Clocks
- Cuisenaire Rods
- DVDs
- Films
- Games
- Maps
- Overhead Transparencies
- Realia
- Slide Sets
- Timers
- Videocassettes
Portable Equipment:
- Cassette Recorders
- CD/Radio/Cassette Players
- Overhead Projector
- Slide Projector
- Mac and PC Laptops
- Mac Display Adapters
- Voice Recorders (Digital)
Language faculty may reserve materials/equipment by phone, in person or via an online reservation form.
- By phone (x2-8474 or x2-8473) or in person (Lyons 313) — Please reserve materials/equipment at least 24 hours in advance during the standard business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- Online — Please submit the online reservation form at least 2 working days prior to the date of intended use of the materials/equipment.
- Pick up reserved items in the Language Laboratory, Lyons 313, just prior (10–30 minutes) to the class sessions in which they are to be used.
- Kindly return borrowed items on the same day immediately following the last of these class sessions.
- For other borrowing arrangements, please contact the Language Laboratory Director for pre-approval.
- Arrange with Classroom Support Services (x2-4219) of BC’s Media Technology Services to borrow portable computer equipment, LCD projectors, DVD players, 16mm film projectors, overhead projectors, VCRs, and monitors.
- Call MTS’s Video Services division (x2-4932) to borrow video camcorders.
Language faculty are encouraged to submit recommendations for new acquisitions to the BCLL's permanent collection of language learning and cultural resources. Please use this online form to submit your recommendation for review by the Language Laboratory Director.